我爱的人英语作文_ 3篇

我爱的人英语作文_ 3篇




The elderly and the young are two indispensable parts of society. On the one hand, we should treat them well, on the other hand, we should let the elderly be respected by the whole society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now is created by the old Chinese saying in the early days, "one generation plants trees, the other sleeps." those who think that the elderly are useless can not deny that they will grow old one day.

Therefore, any form of abuse of the elderly should be prohibited. We should take good care of the young people. Let's see the children In the future of our country, because they are the builders of our country's future, we should take care of them and protect them from harm, but this does not mean that we can spoil them.

Spoiled children are very popular now. They are too dependent on their parents. They can't do anything without them.

How can we expect them? Children should do for us We should take good care of young people so that they can play a role in social construction when they grow up. It is a Chinese tradition to respect, love and support the elderly, and to protect, educate and take care of the young. Let us maintain and develop this virtue together, because in this way, we can feel that we live in a happy big family, and our society will develop.




I love the people I love my parents. My parents are workers. In my memory, I am their only daughter (son).

My father is very strict. He likes cooking and fishing. He goes fishing on Sundays.

My mother cleaned the house when I was a child. My mother helped me with the housework. Now that I am an adult, my mother doesn't help me with this work, but she teaches me how to be a good person.




Everyone yearns for , but not everyone can handle it well. It's like a bird who wants to fly higher than they think and can't leave their family, or like a baby who wants to go by himself, but he is too young to go. It is said that without rules, we can't have a circle that we all know.

Mother gives us body, society gives us , but you should see the prisoners around us. They don't need . We should cherish our time, love and so on.

When they lose their and admire us, you know that you are lucky. Sometimes gives us courage, sometimes Give us faith, but sometimes dissipates what we should grasp. We, in my opinion, distinguish right from wrong, we desire , and we should try our best to protect our .



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